
Everything you need to know to plan your visit our illusion Museum

You can purchase tickets on the spot without a booking (for your convenience, estimated waiting time is listed below) or make a booking for a specific time through our Booking page.

At particularly busy times, a queue may form at the entrance of the museum :

In generalfrom 0 to 5 minutesSaturday and Sunday morningsminimum 5 minutesSaturday and Sunday afternoonsminimum 15 minutesPublic holidaysminimum 15 minutesSchool holidaysminimum 15 minutes


AdultAED 95 TeacherAED 75
(with teacher's card)
Child under 18 years oldAED 75Child under 4 years oldFree
(1 free child per adult)
NannyAED 75


EC011 - The Wharf Mall - Bluewaters Island - Dubai

Opening hours

Mon - Thu10h - 22h *Fri - Sun10h - 23h *Public holidays10h - 23h *School holidays10h - 23h *

* Last entrance 45 minutes before the closing

Booking is required for large groups

For your convenience and the best illusion City experience, groups of more than 6 visitors need to book in advance through the (Booking form).

illusion City Dubai - Tickets, prices and conditions